Nicole Ritchie

Nicole Ritchie

Director of Market Strategy for Adabas & Natural and Software AG's Mainframe Integration technologies

Recent posts

  • Adabas & Natural

    Three steps to enhance Adabas data security on IBM Z®

    IBM® Z  platforms are known for security, and for good reason. Most mainframes contain decades’ worth of valuable information including financial data, personal files and proprietary business material. When you look to maximize the value of Adabas & Natural applications on IBM Z, security can be just as important as performance and reliability. IBM has been a pioneer in applying hardware-based encryption for…

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  • Adabas & Natural

    Unlock Adabas data for new apps, analytics, and cloud

    Any business looking to better connect with its customers must be able to turn data into usable and actionable information. But before you can turn that data into value, you must be able to access it, understand it, and get it where you need it.   Some of the most useful data is stored in your enterprise transaction systems — the…

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  • Adabas & Natural

    Software AG brings Adabas & Natural to new IBM® z16™ Single Frame and Rack Mount Models

    We are excited to collaborate with IBM as the company unveils its new IBM z16 and LinuxONE 4 single frame and rack mount models available globally on May 17, 2023. Powered by the IBM Telum processor, these new configurations are designed for highly efficient data centers with sustainability in mind. Software AG clients can make more effective use of their…

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  • App & Data Integration

    What does IBM® z16™ mean to you?

    Despite misconceptions around decreasing mainframe usage, as emphasis on the cloud increases, we’ve seen a strong momentum of growth in IBM zSystem workloads and know that core applications still matter. A whopping 67% of North American enterprise infrastructure technology decision-makers use mainframes. In Forrester’s survey of the financial services sector, the usage of the mainframe continues to increase, and firms…

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  • App & Data Integration

    Sharing mainframe data with the cloud?

    What stops you from using your trusted mainframe to innovate in the cloud? There are some challenges, and they begin with data integration. For most organizations, achieving digital transformation involves a hybrid of on-premises systems and the cloud. You need both: Existing on-premises platforms deliver reliability and performance for business continuity, while cloud services offer a compelling value proposition for innovative applications and…

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  • App & Data Integration

    Data visualization: Better insights, faster

    Data may be king; but collecting it from dozens of sources – internal and external – and making it available for your users and systems can be a headache. You know that when more information is readily available, you can make higher-quality decisions faster. The challenge is, that for many organizations, valuable data resides on or originates from a range…

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  • App & Data Integration

    How data integration helps you thrive in a hybrid world

    What stops you from using your trusted mainframe to innovate in the cloud? There are some challenges, and they begin with data integration. For most organizations, achieving digital transformation involves a hybrid of on-premises systems and the cloud. You need both: Existing on-premises platforms deliver reliability and performance for business continuity, while cloud services offer a compelling value proposition for innovative applications and…

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  • App & Data Integration

    Pure-play data integration is a winning strategy

    Data comes from and touches every aspect of your organization, and today the need for that data is growing exponentially – to measure and analyze performance, please customers and innovate for the future. Data that once originated only on-premises now also comes from a growing range of cloud applications; it is also increasingly stored and analyzed on the cloud. This…

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  • App & Data Integration

    How APIs put the mainframe back in the game

    The pressures on IT in 2020 were exceptional—and nowhere was it as acute as at the intersection of mainframe and digital worlds. From the crushing volume of online transactions using COBOL applications - for unemployment or economic relief services - to the need for ubiquitous scalable access to the mainframe for employees working from home, there were never enough skilled…

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  • App & Data Integration

    Why decades-old applications still matter

    A good workman never blames his tools for a bad job; so when the half-century old programming language COBOL got some unwarranted press lately, I thought I should look into it. Due to economic stimulus measures, government systems have seen massive strain under a crushing surge of unemployment applications. The call from the Governor of New Jersey for COBOL programmers to volunteer…

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