7 Numbers that Define the “Chaos of Connectivity”

We spoke to 1,500 IT leaders about their plans to invest in technology in 2024. The good news? Digital transformation isn’t slowing down. The bad news? There’s not always a clear integration plan in place. Let’s look at 7 statistics from our research that define what we call the “Chaos of Connectivity.”

Duncan Burford Duncan Burford

In the fast-paced world of IT, numbers often speak louder than words. IT leaders continue to invest in new technology platforms to drive innovation and improve the experience for their customers, employees and partners. (This, according to our annual “Reality Check” research based on input from 1,500 IT leaders.) These investments are often made to solve a particular problem — but create more problems in the process when teams don’t have a clear integration plan in place.  

Let’s look at 7 numbers that tell this story. You’ll see how the continued drive towards technology excellence can lead to a “Chaos of Connectivity” that IT leaders have to outrun. And how a smarter approach to integration can be its saving grace.

1. 86%

A striking 86% of businesses have significantly expanded their tech stacks recently, yet alarmingly, half embarked on this expansion without a clear integration plan. This highlights a critical disconnect in the tech adoption process. Businesses are eagerly embracing new technologies but often overlook the crucial aspect of integrating these technologies cohesively with their existing systems. This oversight can lead to operational inefficiencies and missed opportunities to fully leverage technological investments.

2. $110.19 Billion

By 2023, AI investment witnessed a dramatic increase, with an estimated growth from $40.16 billion in 2020 to $110.19 billion. This surge reflects the burgeoning interest in harnessing AI’s potential. However, it also raises a critical concern: Are these investments being integrated thoughtfully into the broader business strategy? This rapid influx of investment in AI necessitates a parallel focus on strategic integration to ensure that such significant financial commitments yield tangible business benefits and align with long-term objectives.

3. 65%

Technological complexity has escalated governance challenges for nearly two-thirds (65%) of companies. This fact underscores the intricate relationship between rapid technological advancements and the need for stringent governance. As businesses integrate a plethora of new technologies, ensuring compliance with various regulations and standards becomes increasingly complex. This complexity not only poses legal risks but also demands a more nuanced approach to data governance, emphasizing the need for clear policies and robust management practices.

4. 8 out of 10

Eighty percent of companies believe that the expanding size of their tech landscape has negatively impacted their agility, affecting their ability to quickly launch new products and services. This reality highlights a paradox: while technology is supposed to enhance business agility, its unmanaged growth can have the opposite effect. The complexity of integrating diverse technologies can slow down decision-making processes, hinder quick responses to market changes, and ultimately stifle innovation. Addressing this challenge requires a strategic approach to technology adoption, ensuring that new tools and platforms are integrated in a way that supports, rather than hinders, business agility.

5. 89%

A staggering 89% of businesses have faced disruptions or been forced to shut down services due to technology issues, with 22% experiencing these problems frequently. This alarming statistic sheds light on the operational risks that come with complex tech environments. Disruptions not only lead to immediate operational setbacks but also damage customer trust and business reputation. The challenge for IT leaders is to implement robust and resilient systems that can withstand and quickly recover from such setbacks, ensuring business continuity in the face of technological hiccups.

6. 44%

Nearly half of the companies (44%) rely on multiple vendors for their integration needs, leading to fragmented solutions that increase costs and complicate standard enforcement. This finding highlights the complexity and inefficiency of managing disparate integration tools. The diversity of vendors can create a patchwork of systems that are difficult to harmonize, leading to increased maintenance costs and challenges in maintaining consistent best practices across the organization. It underscores the need for a more unified integration approach that can simplify the technology landscape and reduce the burden of managing multiple vendor relationships.

7. 81%

An overwhelming 81% of organizations report major challenges in gaining clear visibility and effective management of their integrated systems. This number highlights a prevalent issue in modern IT management: the lack of a unified view of disparate systems. As businesses grow and their technology stacks become more complex, achieving a holistic understanding of these interconnected systems becomes increasingly difficult. This lack of visibility can lead to inefficiencies, increased risks, and missed opportunities for optimization. The emphasis, therefore, needs to be on integrating systems in a manner that allows for centralized monitoring and management, providing IT leaders with the insights needed to make informed decisions.

So what does this all mean?

The “Chaos of Connectivity” is the trend we’re seeing in 2024, and it’s not going anywhere. These numbers reveal not only the challenges IT leaders face in integration but also illuminate the path forward. They underscore the need for strategic planning, robust governance, and comprehensive solutions to navigate the complex digital landscape. As we continue to adapt to this ever-evolving environment, these numbers serve as vital guideposts, helping businesses focus their efforts on creating coherent, efficient, and agile technological ecosystems. Embracing these challenges with a data-driven and strategic approach is the key to transforming potential obstacles into opportunities for innovation and success.