IoT 3 mins read

Software AG: Surfing the California Waves at 50

IoT World in Santa Clara, CA showed that everyone is living on the edge! Not the San Andreas Fault – Edge computing…

Paul Hughes Paul Hughes

Software AG is on the crest of a wave yet again. It is fitting that on its 50th anniversary the company is on the cusp of a major IT revolution – the most significant and far-reaching IT revolution ever.

If proof were needed then IoT World in Santa Clara, CA last week provided it! Here is a personal impression of the event… (B2B is, after all, person-to-person in the end).

The dry facts: 12,500 visitors, 400 speakers, 300 exhibitors and visitors from about a third of the countries in the world. And everyone living on the edge! And I’m not talking about the San Andreas Fault. Edge computing has arrived and everyone is talking about it, analyzing it and seeing the future of the industry on it.

Software AG has been leading the edge for years now and has a well-established customer base living there. We have been named a “Leader” (since it began!) in MachNation’s 2019 IoT Edge Scorecard report, besting many of the biggest players in the field.

This is still an early adopter market – the mainstream is yet to take off – and Software AG is the early mover with a mountain of experience. We know how to successfully race down the IoT road, what to do and, just as importantly, what not to do. Those bumps and bruises picked up along the way represent decades of experience and a mountain between the visionaries and the niche players.

So, if many players are now arriving on the edge then where has Software AG evolved to? We are at the inner edge, the interface between IT and operational technology (OT) and this isn’t even new for Software AG either.

The joint venture ADAMOS, established by Software AG and a who’s-who list of the manufacturing industry, started way back in 2017 was an eye-opener for the OT press attending the event. An IIoT platform – made by the manufacturing industry for the manufacturing industry. Really?

Really. This is where the action is moving to. When I asked one journalist if her publication is IT or OT she replied: “We are OT but moving into IT.”

Perfect; Software AG is IT already moved into OT. Visionary or what?

We have the vision, we have the technology and we have the experience built on an edgy, but solid, customer base and as a result we had a booth buzzing with activity and excitement. Excitement as potential customers realized that the opportunities of IIoT are not over a distant horizon but within their grasp. They just need a spark, the idea that will light their own individual IoT journey.

As another journalist put it, the right technology, the right culture, the right structure but also the right innovative idea! Software AG has always been about each and every customer building their own unique competitive edge. We provide the technology than can make every innovative idea a reality – how cool is that? And there is not shortage of innovative ideas!

Read more about our vision, and how we have been recognized by some of the world’s leading analysts by clicking below.